GQ(lambda): A general gradient algorithm for temporal-difference prediction learning with eligibility traces

Artificial General Intelligence(2010)

引用 161|浏览17
A new family of gradient temporal-difference learning algorithms have recently been introduced by Sutton, Maei and others in which function approximation is much more straightforward. In this paper, we introduce the GQ(lambda) algorithm which can be seen as extension of that work to a more general setting including eligibility traces and off-policy learning of temporally abstract predictions. These extensions bring us closer to the ultimate goal of this work the development of a universal prediction learning algorithm suitable for learning experientially grounded knowledge of the world. Eligibility traces are essential to this goal because they bridge the temporal gaps in cause and effect when experience is processed at a temporally fine resolution. Temporally abstract predictions are also essential as the means for representing abstract, higher-level knowledge about courses of action, or options. GQ(lambda) can be thought of as an extension of Q-learning. We extend existing convergence results for policy evaluation to this setting and carry out a forward-view/backwardview analysis to derive and prove the validity of the new algorithm.
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