Radioimmunoassay Of Unconjugated Plasma Ethynylestradiol In Women Given A Single Oral Dose Of Ethynylestradiol Or Mestranol


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A method for the radioimmunoassay of ethynylestradiol in plasma is described. The sensitivity is 18 pg/ml, recovery 86.5%, and precision 10.9% (coefficient of variation). Normal women, five at each dose level, were given 50 or 80 mug ethynylestradiol or 50, 80, or 100 mug mestranol of uniform bioavailability. Peak plasma levels were consistently obtained in the 1-hour plasma sample with the former compound. With mestranol, the peak levels of ethynylestradiol were lower than with the same quantity of ethynylestradiol and the time-curve of plasma levels much more variable. With this procedure, it is now possible to study certain aspects of the pharmacokinetics of these clinically important compounds.25 healthy women of reproductive age who had not previously used oral contraceptive steroids, were each given a single tablet containing 50, 80, or 100 mcg of mestranol or 50 or 80 mcg of ethinyl estradiol. Blood samples were obtained before taking the tablets and at intervals of 1, 2, 4, and 24 hours afterward. Anti-ethinyl-estradiol antibody in 1 to 100,000 initial dilution was used. Details of techniques employed are given. With ethinyl estradiol, the 1-hour sampling yielded the maximum plasma levels. At 24 hours, the plasma level was not detectable in 4 of 5 subjects given 50 mcg or in 1 of 5 given 80 mcg. With mestranol, the disappearance curve was more variable with the peak levels usually at 2 hours but occasionally at 4 hours. At all 3 dose levels of mestranol, measurable serum ethinyl estradiol levels were found at 24 hours. These levels were reached more slowly and were lower than when ethinyl estradiol was given. In contrast to natural estrogens ethinyl, estrogens are bound to plasma proteins chiefly by nonspecific binding and are therefore less likely to affect the metabolism of the ethinyl estrogens than are the endogenous steroids. Also, significant amounts of ethinyl estradiol are was given. In contrast to natural estrogens ethinyl, estrogens are bound di-ethynylated in vitro. The pharmacokinetics of ethinyl estrogens differ from those of natural estrogens. This complicates interpretation of plasma or urinary estrone and estradiol measurements.
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