Realistic multi-view scalable video coding scheme

IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics(2012)

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This paper introduces a video coding scheme called Realistic Multi-view Scalable Video Coding (RMSVC), which is designed for the future ubiquitous environment. Unlike most video coding schemes that support only 2D or 3D displays, the proposed RMSVC coding scheme can support realistic services, such as 3D television, stereoscopic display, variablesized 2D displays, etc., and can efficiently deliver realistic video data in the ubiquitous environment that mixes various terminals and networks. In this paper, the proposed RMSVC scheme is designed and implemented by integrating the structures of Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) and Scalable Video Coding (SVC) schemes, and then shows in a simulation the possibility of realizing RMSVC. In addition, this paper proposes a layered prediction structure for the proposed RMSVC scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed structure remarkably improves the performance of random access while maintaining very similar coding efficiency.
realistic multiview scalable video coding scheme,realistic broadcasting,video compression,rmsvc,ubiquitous environment,multi-view video coding (mvc),scalable video coding (svc),ubiquitous computing,video coding,decoding,gold,signal to noise ratio,encoding
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