DesignLibs: a scenario-based design method for ideation.

CHI '13: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Paris France April, 2013(2013)

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Generating potential design ideas through ideation often benefits from the spontaneity of random ideas. Having potential users participate in this process can be beneficial, but is often difficult to implement. We present a new method for generating design ideas with potential users. The method uses scenarios with missing words, which potential users fill in to generate ideas for features and attributes of new technology designs, similar to the children's game of Mad Libs. We developed three different formats of DesignLibs, including 1) "Mad Libs-style": blanks presented before seeing the scenario, 2) "Fill-in-the-Blanks": blanks presented within the context of the scenario, and 3) "Q&A": blanks presented as questions and answers. We found that Design-Libs generated a number of new ideas, with the Fill-in-the-Blanks method providing the highest ratings for usefulness, feasibility, and diversity of answers. All three formats provided equal ratings for creativity.
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