Effect of soil mixing on nitrification rates in soils of two deciduous forests of Vermont, USA

Plant and Soil(2009)

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Sampling disturbance has been shown to rapidly increase net nitrification rates in some forest soils. To gain insight on mechanisms, we investigated both gross and net rates of ammonification and nitrification in intact cores and mixed composite samples. Using the isotope pool dilution method, we studied samples from two northeastern USA watersheds, Brush Brook and Sleepers River in Vermont, where previous work had found high net nitrification rates. Gross ammonification was usually not significantly different between intact cores and mixed samples. However, gross and net nitrification rates in mixed samples were similar (mean ∼24 µmol N kg −1 hr −1 or ∼8 mg N kg −1 d −1 ) and significantly higher than in intact cores (7.7 and 3.4 µmol N kg −1 h −1 for means of gross and net respectively). Nitrate consumption was decreased somewhat by disturbance but did not account for the large differences in net rates. Because there were similar gross ammonification rates in both treatments, increased nitrification in these disturbed soils must be a result of an increase in the utilization of ammonium by the ammonia oxidizers at the expense of other ammonium consumption pathways. Different mechanisms may operate in different soils; increased nitrification appears to be the primary pathway in these soils with high N cycling rates.
Soil nitrification,Disturbance,Nitrogen cycling,Gross nitrification,Forest soils
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