Clinical and therapeutic aspects of allergic asthma in adolescents.


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Little is known about the management of asthma in adolescents. We aimed at evaluating these aspects, through a specific questionnaire, in the real life of adolescents with allergic asthma.The questionnaire was administered to a group of adolescents after a diagnosis of allergic asthma. The diagnosis was based on history, clinical examination, pulmonary function tests and allergy tests. One hundred and fifteen adolescents (65 males, mean age 16.5 years) fulfilled the criteria for allergic asthma. The questionnaire explored demography, family history, clinical history, previous diagnosis, therapy, attitude towards therapy and social aspects. The mean actual FEV1 was 87 +/- 10%. Methacholine challenge was carried out in 79 patients and was always positive (PD20 < 1200 mug), whereas 36 patients underwent reversibility test. According to GINA guidelines, severity of asthma resulted intermittent in 62, mild persistent in 31, moderate in 19 and severe in three patients. In 61% of cases teachers were not aware of the disease. Asthma was managed by general practitioners, allergists and pulmonologists, but PFT/allergy tests had never been performed in 14% of patients. Forty-two per cent of the adolescents received no therapy at all, and only 15% of those with persistent asthma were receiving a stable treatment. Seventy-four per cent of adolescents preferred the inhaled, as against the oral, route. From a clinical and functional point of view, asthma in adolescents did not differ from other age ranges. Nevertheless, the management (diagnosis and therapy) emerged to be unsatisfactory from many points of view.
allergic asthma,adolescence,management,treatment
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