Card9 Mediates Dectin-2-Induced I Kappa B Alpha Kinase Ubiquitination Leading To Activation Of Nf-Kappa B In Response To Stimulation By The Hyphal Form Of Candida Albicans


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The scaffold protein CARD9 plays an essential role in anti-fungus immunity and is implicated in mediating Dectin-1/Syk-induced NF-kappa B activation in response to Candida albicans infection. However, the molecular mechanism by which CARD9 mediates C. albicans-induced NF-kappa B activation is not fully characterized. Here we demonstrate that CARD9 is involved in mediating NF-kappa B activation induced by the hyphal form of C. albicans hyphae (Hyphae) but not by its heat-inactivated unicellular form. Our data show that inhibiting Dectin-2 expression selectively blocked Hyphae-induced NF-kappa B, whereas inhibiting Dectin-1 mainly suppressed zymosan-induced NF-kappa B, indicating that Hyphae-induced NF-kappa B activation is mainly through Dectin-2 and not Dectin-1. Consistently, we find that the hyphae stimulation induces CARD9 association with Bcl10, an adaptor protein that functions downstream of CARD9 and is also involved in C. albicans-induced NF-kappa B activation. This association is dependent on Dectin-2 but not Dectin-1 following the hyphae stimulation. Finally, we find that although both CARD9 and Syk are required for Hyphae-induced NF-kappa B activation, they regulate different signaling events in which CARD9 mediates I kappa B alpha kinase ubiquitination, whereas Syk regulates I kappa B alpha kinase phosphorylation. Together, our data demonstrated that CARD9 is selectively involved in Dectin-2-induced NF-kappa B activation in response to C. albicans hyphae challenging.
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