Exposure to zinc deficiency in fetal and postnatal life determines nitric oxide system activity and arterial blood pressure levels in adult rats.


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We had previously shown that prenatal exposure to Zn-deficient diets induces an increase in blood pressure and impairs renal function in adult rats. The aim of the present study was to investigate if moderate Zn restriction during early growth periods, fetal life and lactation would induce impairment in the vascular and renal NO system and alterations in plasma lipid profile. We also investigated if these effects persisted into adult life, even when a Zn-replete diet was provided after weaning. Pregnant rats were fed control (30 parts per million (ppm)) or low (8 ppm) Zn diets throughout gestation up to weaning. Afterwards, male offspring from low-Zn mothers were assigned to low- or control-Zn diets during 60d. Male offspring from control mothers were fed a control diet. Animals exposed to Zn restriction showed low birth weight, increased systolic blood pressure and serum TAG levels, and decreased glomerular filtration rate in adulthood. Zn restriction induced a decrease in vascular and renal NO synthase activity and a reduced expression of the endothelial NO synthase isoform in aorta. A control-Zn diet during post-weaning growth returned TAG levels to normal but was unsuccessful in normalising systolic blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate or NO system activity in Zn-deficient offspring. Zn restriction during fetal life, lactation and/or post-weaning growth induced alterations in the vascular and renal NO system and in lipid metabolism that could contribute to the programming of hypertension and renal dysfunction in adulthood.
Arterial blood pressure,Nitric oxide system,Moderate zinc restriction,Fetal life
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