An unusual case of trapped ovary in a peritoneal pouch causing extrinsic ureteric compression associated with endometriosis

Gynecological Surgery(2005)

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A 35-year-old woman presented with long-standing right loin to groin pain and a right ovarian cyst. The ovarian cyst was considered physiological at the initial gynaecological evaluation. A subsequent transvaginal scan demonstrated a cystic immobile ovary adherent to the pelvic side wall. Laparoscopy revealed endometriosis and a peritoneal defect holding the cystic ovary against the ureter and causing compression with secondary loin pain. The trapped ovary was removed and the patient was cured of the long-standing ureteric colic. This is the first reported case of extrinsic ureteric compression caused by trapped ovary in a peritoneal pouch associated with endometriosis. The diagnosis was suspected preoperatively from the transvaginal scan findings demonstrating a cystic immobile ovary adherent to the pelvic side wall. This case demonstrates that in women with unresolved ureteric compression where adnexal cyst is found, the investigator should look for features that suggest entrapment to the pelvic side wall.
Endometriosis,Ureteric obstruction,Ovarian cysts,Peritoneal pocket,Laparoscopy
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