Prevalence of HBeAg, anti-HBe serological markers and HBV-DNA in asymptomatic carriers in Ethiopia.

European journal of epidemiology(1989)

引用 7|浏览6
Data on the distribution of HBV-DNA and other serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection in a population of asymptomatic carriers in Ethiopia are reported. As compared to data from other countries of similar or lower levels of endemicity, it has been found that HBV-DNA prevalence and its correlation with HBeAg/anti-HBe status is similar to that of northern Europe. HBV-DNA is present in 84% of HBe Ag-positive sera but in only 4% of anti-HBe-positive sera, where the lowest concentration of DNA (less than 5 pgr/20 microliters) was found. The trend of increasing prevalence of serological markers with age seems to indicate a considerable horizontal transmission still present in this age range (18-30). In keeping with data of other authors a 3% of HBV-DNA positivity in anti HBc only positive sera was found. No regional or ethnical differences of HBV-DNA positive sera across the country were observed. There is also no evidence of any correlation between HBV-DNA prevalence and HBsAg subtypes ad and ay.
HBV DNA,Serological markers,Ethiopia
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