Methodology for the Registration of Whole SLO Sequences

ICPR (1)(2002)

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Images acquired with the Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (SLO) device offer a very good tool for the evaluation of retinal diseases and obtaining interesting haemodynamic variables related to retinal blood flow . But because of the unavoidable eye movements, it is necessary a previous registration process to obtain a reliable analysis of the information extracted from these set of frames. This paper explains an algorithm which allows a fully automatic registration of the whole SLO sequence by combining two registration techniques: a landmark based registration and a mutual information based one. The accurate registration of the frames will allow the automatic calculation of the so called dye dilution curves, which are computed by means of a robust fitting algorithm based on the optimisation method Simulated Annealing. With that curves it will be possible to obtain valuable haemodynamic variables, like the arteriovenous passage time described here.
retinal blood flow,previous registration process,mutual information,interesting haemodynamic variable,automatic registration,registration technique,automatic calculation,robust fitting algorithm,whole slo sequences,retinal disease,accurate registration,curve fitting,information extraction,information analysis,blood flow,robustness,simulated annealing,image registration,data mining,computational modeling,reliability analysis,haemodynamics,eye movement
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