The Major Horse Allergen Equ C 1 Contains One Immunodominant Region Of T Cell Epitopes


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Background Despite the fact that most significant mammalian respiratory allergens are lipocalin proteins, information on the human T cell reactivity to these allergenic proteins is largely missing.Objective Knowing the T cell epitopes in allergens is a prerequisite for developing novel preparations for allergen immunotherapy.Methods Specific T cell lines were generated with recombinant Equ c 1 from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 10 horse-allergic subjects. For determining T cell epitopes, the lines were stimulated with 16mer synthetic Equ c 1 peptides overlapping by 14 amino acids. The binding capacity of Equ c 1 peptides to human leucocyte antigen class 11 molecules was determined by the competitive ELISA.Results The major horse allergen Equ c 1 resembles two other lipocalin allergens, the major cow allergen Bos d 2 and the major dog allergen Can f 1, in that it is weakly stimulatory for the PBMCs of sensitized subjects. Moreover, the T cell epitopes of Equ c 1 are clustered in a few regions along the molecule, as is the case with Bos d 2 and Can f 1. Similar to Bos d 2, Equ c 1 contains one immunodominant epitope region at the carboxy-terminal end of the molecule. The T cell lines of eight horse-allergic subjects out of 10 showed strong reactivity to one or both of the two overlapping peptides, p 143-158 and p 145-160, in this region. The region probably contains two overlapping epitopes.Conclusion The 18mer peptide p143-160 from the immunodominant region of Equ c I is a potential candidate for the peptide-based immunotherapy of horse-sensitized subjects.
allergens, MHC-peptide interactions, peptide immunotherapy, proliferation, T cells
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