Analysis of HO2and OH Formation Mechanisms Using FM and UV Spectroscopy in Dimethyl Ether Oxidation


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Product formation pathways in the photolytically initiated oxidation of CH3OCH3 have been investigated as a function of temperature (298-600 K) and pressure (20-90 Torr) through the detection of HO2 and OH using Near-infrared frequency modulation spectroscopy, as well as the detection of CH3OCH2O2 using UV absorption spectroscopy. The reaction was initiated by pulsed photolysis with a mixture of Cl-2, O-2, and CH3OCH3. The HO2 and OH yield is obtained by comparison with an established reference mixture, including CH3OH. The CH3OCH2O2 yield is also obtained through the procedure of estimating the CH3OCH2O2/HO2 ratio from their UV absorption. A notable finding is that the OH yield is 1 order of magnitude larger than those known in C-2 and C-3 alkanes, increasing from 10% to 40% with increasing temperature. The HO2 yield increases gradually until 500 K and sharply up to 40% over 500 K. The CH3OCH2O2 profile has a prompt rise, followed by a gradual decay whose time constant is consistent with slow HO2 formation. To predict species profiles and yields, simple chlorine-initiated oxidation model of DME under low-pressure condition was constructed based on the existing model and the new reaction pathways, which were derived from this study. To model rapid OH formation, OH direct formation from CH3OCH2 + O-2 was required. We have also proposed that a new HCO formation pathway via QOOH isomerization to HOQO species and OH + CH3OCH2O2 -> HO2 + CH3OCH2O are to be considered, to account for the fast and slow HO2 formations, as well as the total yield. The constructed model including these new pathways has successfully predicted experimental results throughout the entire temperature and pressure ranges investigated. It was revealed that the HO2 formation mechanism changes at 500 K, i.e., HCO + O-2 via HCHO + OH and the above proposed direct HCO formation dominates over 500 K, while a series of reactions following CH3OCH2O2 self-reaction and OH + CH3OCH2O2 reaction mainly contribute below 500 K. The pressure dependent rate constant of the CH3OCH2 thermal decomposition reaction has been separately measured since it has large negative sensitivity for HO2 formation and is essential to eliminate the ambiguity in the CH3OCH2 + O-2 mechanism at higher temperature.
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