A Survey of Members of the Swedish Association for Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy(2010)

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Members of the Swedish Association for Behaviour Therapy (SABT) were surveyed (N=372). The findings showed that over 60% of the members in SABT were psychologists. Several members worked in psychiatry and were employed by the NHS, but 30% worked as private practitioners. Few were found in the schools, or in somatic settings, and only about 20% stated research as their main work field. Further, the members were found in restricted regions of Sweden, and in many parts no or a few cognitive-behavioural (CBT) clinicians could be found. Members were mainly interested in psychiatric problems and/or behavioural medicine. Whereas the proportion of males and females was equal, females had a shorter duration of membership. It is concluded that CBT clinicians and researchers are needed in several clinical settings, and especially in the many regions of Sweden where CBT is not a viable treatment alternative because of lack of practitioners. A recent interest in empirically validated treatments in the health care makes it especially important to train students and practicing clinicians in CBT.
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