Neurotransmitter release during delay eyeblink classical conditioning: Role of norepinephrine in consolidation and effect of age

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(2009)

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Delay classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) is an important model of associative, cerebellar-dependent learning. Norepinephrine (NE) plays a significant modulatory role in the acquisition of learning; however, other neurotransmitters are also involved. The goal was to determine whether NE, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate (GLU) release are observed in cerebellar cortex during EBC, and whether such release was selectively associated with training. Further studies examined the role of the β-noradrenergic receptor in consolidation of the learned response by local infusion of propranolol at 5–120min following training into the cerebellar cortex. In vivo microdialysis coupled to EBC was performed to examine neurotransmitter release. An increase in the extracellular level of NE was observed during EBC and was maximal on day 1 and diminished in amplitude with subsequent days of training. No changes in baseline NE release were observed in pseudoconditioning indicating that NE release is directly related to the associative learning process. The extracellular levels of GABA were also increased selectively during paired training however, the magnitude of GABA release increased over days of training. GLU release was observed to increase during both paired and unpaired training, suggesting that learning does not occur prior to the information arriving in the cerebellum. When propranolol was administered at either 5-, 60-, or 120-min post-training, there was an inhibition of conditioned responses, these data support the hypothesis that NE is important for consolidation of learning.
Norepinephrine,GABA,Glutamate,Cerebellum,Classical conditioning,Eyeblink,Consolidation,Aging
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