Corresponding Secretary Report, Mary Beth Strand: Thank you note from Graham's family for Meijer gift card. Holiday Giving surplus divided between Graham's and Lily's families


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th at 7:30pm at the high school. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students, displays growth of musical talent, a chance to hear the high school choir before their Carnegie Hall performance. Read In The Park is Sunday May 20 th . Encourages families to come together and read. Principal's Report, Sandie Schiller: Sandie shared "good news" of MEAP scores and explained unofficial percentages and trends as they are indicators of how our children will perform in the future and provide tool for shaping teaching strategies. Curriculum + Instruction + Assessment. Oakland Schools developed "First Ten Days" to build curriculum around MEAP subjects. Michelle Young nominated Oakland County Teacher of the Year from Berkley District. Treasurer's Report, Cindy Porter: Cuts made to Budget, see attached. Budget update presented, see attached. Chris Germaine mentioned Box Tops profits and next competition to turn in for April count. Discussion of Campbell's Soup Labels points to be spent.
conny coon: no report. legislative report,membership report,mike sheehan: governor granholm has ideas for cuts. advocacy day in lansing feb 15,julie melrose: no report. public relations
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