Morpho Challenge - Evaluation of algorithms for unsupervised learning of morphology in various tasks and languages.

NAACL-Demonstrations '09: Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Demonstration Session(2009)

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After the release of the open source software implementation of Morfessor algorithm, a series of several open evaluations has been organized for unsupervised morpheme analysis and morpheme-based speech recognition and information retrieval. The unsupervised morpheme analysis is a particularly attractive approach for speech and language technology for the morphologically complex languages. When the amount of distinct word forms becomes prohibitive for the construction of a sufficient lexicon, it is important that the words can be segmented into smaller meaningful language modeling units. In this presentation we will demonstrate the results of the evaluations, the baseline systems built using the open source tools, and invite research groups to participate in the next evaluation where the task is to enhance statistical machine translation by morpheme analysis.
unsupervised morpheme analysis,morpheme analysis,open evaluation,open source software implementation,open source tool,language technology,morpheme-based speech recognition,morphologically complex language,smaller meaningful language modeling,Morfessor algorithm,Morpho challenge,unsupervised learning,various task
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