Modeling Impact of Social Stratification on the Basis of Time Allocation Heuristics in Society.


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AbstractThis paper describes a computational model of time allocation in a social network. It particularly focuses on the impact of inequalities or so called stratification process on the efficiency of resources allocation. The presented model is a multi-agent system with implemented network evolution mechanism. The stratification is modeled by the order in which the agents’ actions are executed. The model was tested against as well different initial network parameters as a selection of time allocation heuristics. Efficiency of the system is measured using best applicable measures, e.g. agents schedule usage. By comparing the efficiency of the stratified system against baseline egalitarian system in our simulations we look for the answer whether social stratification brings benefits only for those who are on the top of the pyramid but decreases summarized performance of a society (in comparison to non-stratified systems).KeywordsTime SlotTime AllocationModeling ImpactStratify SystemWeighted DegreeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.
Time Slot, Time Allocation, Modeling Impact, Stratify System, Weighted Degree
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