Tracer technique to measure in vivo chemical transport rates within an implantable cell transplantation device

Cell Transplantation(1995)

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An in vivo tracer technique that uses radiolabeled inulin as the tracer molecule has been developed to assess the rate of chemical transport between the cell transplantation chamber of an implantable bioartificial device and the host's circulatory system. The device considered here employs site-directed neovascularization of a porous matrix to induce capillary growth adjacent to an immunoisolated cell implantation chamber. This device design is being investigated as a vehicle for therapeutic cell transplantation, with the advantages that it allows the cells to perform their therapeutic function without the danger of immune rejection and it avoids damaging contact of blood flow with artificial surfaces. A pharmacokinetic model of the mass transport between the implantation chamber, the vascularized matrix, and the body has been devised to allow proper analysis and understanding of the experimental tracer results. Experiments performed in this study have been principally directed at evaluation of the tracer model parameters, but results also provide a quantitative measure of the progression of capillary growth into a porous matrix. Measured plasma tracer levels demonstrate that chemical transport rates within the implanted device increase with the progression of matrix vascular ingrowth. Agreement between the fitted model curves and the corresponding measured concentrations at different levels of capillary ingrowth demonstrate that the model provides a realistic representation of the actual capillary-mediated transport phenomena occurring within the device.
Neovascularization,Immunoisolation,Cell transplantation,Tissue engineering,Pharmacokinetic model,Chemical transport,Inulin
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