Interference between male-targeted and female-targeted lures of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Dipt., Tephritidae) in Italy


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The efficacy of male-targeted and female-targeted baits was compared when lures were presented together or singly in traps for capturing the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). For male-targeted baits, either trimedlure or ceralure presented singly attracted large numbers of flies, supporting data from many previous reports. The present results are the first published data on the attractiveness of ceralure to a European population of C. capitata. The quaternary female bait consisting of ammonium carbonate, putrescine, trimethylamine and acetic acid was a potent attractant for female flies (and also showed some activity for males). Replacing acetic acid with ammonium acetate in the quaternary female bait did not influence activity. Traps with female-targeted and male-targeted baits together always showed a tendency of catching fewer flies than traps with only one type of bait. The decrease was significant in females, regardless of whether ceralure or trimedlure was the male-targeted bait. In males, the tendency was the same for traps with trimedlure or ceralure alone, catching higher numbers than those with both male and female baits. Our present results suggest that both types of baits mutually decrease the numbers of the nontarget sex in the trap. In conclusion, it is advisable to use both male- and female-targeted baits in separate and distant traps and not jointly in the same trap, lest the efficacy of detection or monitoring trials be compromised.
Ceratitis capitata,ammonium acetate,ceralure,putrescine,trimedlure,trimethylamine
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