A Demonstration Of Query-Oriented Distribution And Replication Techniques For Dynamic Graph Data

WWW '14: 23rd International World Wide Web Conference Seoul Korea April, 2014(2014)

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Evolving networks can be modeled as series of graphs that represent those networks at different points in time. Our G* system enables efficient storage and querying of these graph snapshots by taking advantage of their commonalities. In extending G* for scalable and robust operation, we found the classic challenges of data distribution and replication to be imbued with renewed significance. If multiple graph snapshots are commonly queried together, traditional techniques that distribute data over all servers or create identical data replicas result in inefficient query execution.We propose to verify, using live demonstrations, the benefits of our graph snapshot distribution and replication techniques. Our distribution technique adjusts the set of servers storing each graph snapshot in a manner optimized for popular queries. Our replication technique maintains each snapshot replica on a different number of servers, making available the most efficient replica configurations for different types of queries.
load balancing,replication,graph partitioning,parallel processing,high availability
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