Generation of volatile flavour compounds as affected by the chemical composition of different dry-cured ham sections

European Food Research and Technology(2005)

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The composition of different dry-cured ham sections has been determined in order to study their contribution to flavour generation. The proteins, free amino acids, free fatty acids and volatile compounds were analysed in different sections of dry-cured hams with 7 and 12 months of processing. The main differences among sections were detected in free amino acids and volatile compounds. To sum up, there was a higher concentration of free amino acids in the centre section than in the butt and shank sections. However, after 12 m of ripening the difference among sections was lower and only the butt was the one with the lowest concentration. Similar results were obtained in the content of volatile compounds, the centre part of the hams contained a higher proportion of volatile compounds after 7 m of ripening than the shank and butt sections. Nevertheless, in 12 months dry-cured hams there are changes in the proportions of volatile compounds being the centre section the one with the highest proportion of volatile compounds due not only to the higher concentration of free amino acids but also to the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.
protein,free amino acids,free fatty acids,volatile compounds,dry-cured ham,flavour
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