Development Of A Cognitive-Emotional Model For Driver Behavior

KES-AMSTA'10: Proceedings of the 4th KES international conference on Agent and multi-agent systems: technologies and applications, Part II(2010)

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Aggressive driving has become a very common phenomenon. It highlights the importance of emotional states as an influencing factor for driving style and behavior. Advanced driver assistance systems are implemented in the car with the objective to enhance road safety and to assist the driver. In order to develop these systems according to the users' needs and to assess the potential effects, the driving behavior of drivers (with and without these new technologies) must be known. This modeling of drivers' behavior has to take into account cognitive and emotional mechanisms, in order to be as realistic as possible. The paper presents a cognitive-emotional driver model focusing on anger and reports evidence for its validity. This driver model can be implemented in microscopic, agent-based traffic models and expands the output and scope of traffic modeling and analysis on cognitive and emotional variables.
driving behavior,driving simulation,aggressive driving,driver state,driver emotion
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