GRBs in the 5-10 keV regime as seen by BATSE

Astrophysics and Space Science(1995)

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The BATSE Spectroscopy Detectors (SDs) each have a thin beryllium window which allows detection of photons down to 5 keV. Until recently, exploitation of low-energy SD discriminator data has been held up by a lack of knowledge of its energy coverage. A recent series of in-flight changes in the instrument configuration has allowed the SD discriminators to be calibrated fairly accurately. With this in hand, we have surveyed BATSE GRBs for such features as X-ray precursors and after-glows in the roughly 5-10 keV band. For a large percentage of the BATSE bursts, no emission is observed in this energy band. In some cases where low-energy emission has been observed, ratios of flux histories indicate differential spectral evolution. In addition, we have obtained joint spectral fits between the low-energy data and the regular SD data, showing that a single spectral model is sometimes insufficient to fit the entire energy range.
methods: data analysis,gamma rays: bursts,data analysis,gamma ray burst
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