TripleBit: a fast and compact system for large scale RDF data


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The volume of RDF data continues to grow over the past decade and many known RDF datasets have billions of triples. A grant challenge of managing this huge RDF data is how to access this big RDF data efficiently. A popular approach to addressing the problem is to build a full set of permutations of (S, P, O) indexes. Although this approach has shown to accelerate joins by orders of magnitude, the large space overhead limits the scalability of this approach and makes it heavyweight. In this paper, we present TripleBit, a fast and compact system for storing and accessing RDF data. The design of TripleBit has three salient features. First, the compact design of TripleBit reduces both the size of stored RDF data and the size of its indexes. Second, TripleBit introduces two auxiliary index structures, ID-Chunk bit matrix and ID-Predicate bit matrix, to minimize the cost of index selection during query evaluation. Third, its query processor dynamically generates an optimal execution ordering for join queries, leading to fast query execution and effective reduction on the size of intermediate results. Our experiments show that TripleBit outperforms RDF-3X, MonetDB, BitMat on LUBM, UniProt and BTC 2012 benchmark queries and it offers orders of mangnitude performance improvement for some complex join queries.
query processor dynamically,accessing rdf data,rdf datasets,huge rdf data,big rdf data,large scale rdf data,query execution,popular approach,compact system,query evaluation,benchmark query,rdf data
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