Mapping Of A Film Grain Removal Algorithm To A Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Architecture

DATE '09: Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe(2009)

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Despite recent advances in FRGA, GPU, and general purpose processor technologies, the challenges posed by real-time digital image processing at high resolutions cannot be fully overcome due to insufficient processing capability, inadequate data transport and control mechanisms, and often prohibitively high costs. To address these issues, we proposed a two-phase solution for a real-time film grain noise reduction application. The first phase is based on a state-of-the-art FPGA platform used as a reference design. The second phase is based on a novel heterogeneous reconfigurable computing platform that offers flexibility not available from other computing paradigms. This paper introduces the heterogeneous platform and briefly reviews our previous work with the application in question, as well as its implementation on the FPGA demonstration board during the first phase. Then we present a decomposition of the application, which allows an efficient mapping to the new heterogeneous computing platform through the use of its diverse reconfigurable computing units and run-time reconfiguration.
field programmable gate arrays,image denoising,image resolution,FPGA,film grain removal algorithm,heterogeneous computing,heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture,real-time digital image processing,
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