President??s letter

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine(2002)

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IFAPP has a new logo. There are various reasons for the change; first, it was brought to our attention that the symbol of Medicine is only one snake, while two snakes are the symbol of commerce. Indeed this mistake was likely due to an idea of symmetry with the two snakes, but it was a mistake. Secondly, many delegates considered that our logo was old-fashioned, and lacked colour. So, taking into considerations all these comments, some months ago the Executive Committee asked for some proposals: we got some 12 new logos, and finally the vast majority of delegates was in favour of the selected one. You can see two symbols of Medicine (the snake and the stick), the world (since IFAPP is a global Federation), and it also contains colour (blue and green). I do hope you will like the change, and let me ask you and your Association to use the new logo from now on. You’ll soon find it on the website, which – thanks to the efforts of John Lee and Caroline van Galen – is under major revision and updating.
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