Time and Space Coherent Occlusion Culling for Tileable Extended 3D Worlds

Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics(2013)

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In order to interactively render large virtual worlds, the amount of 3D geometry passed to the graphics hardware must be kept to a minimum. Typical solutions to this problem include the use of potentially visible sets and occlusion culling, however, these solutions do not scale well, in time nor in memory, with the size of a virtual world. We propose a fast and inexpensive variant of occlusion culling tailored to a simple tiling scheme that improves scalability while maintaining very high performance. Tile visibilities are evaluated with hardware-accelerated occlusion queries, and in-tile rendering is rapidly computed using BVH instantiation and any visibility method, we use the CHC++ occlusion culling method for its good general performance. Tiles are instantiated only when tested locally for visibility, thus avoiding the need for a preconstructed global structure for the complete world. Our approach can render large-scale, diversified virtual worlds with complex geometry, such as cities or forests, all at high performance and with a modest memory footprint.
space coherent occlusion culling,virtual world,hardware-accelerated occlusion query,occlusion culling method,good general performance,tileable extended,render large virtual world,occlusion culling,high performance,diversified virtual world,complex geometry,complete world,prediction algorithms,procedural modeling,coherence,geometry,visibility
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