eFisioTrack: A Telerehabilitation Platform for Monitoring Prescribed Therapeutic Exercises in Orthopaedic Injuries

Joaquín García,Daniel Ruiz,Antonio Soriano,Oscar Marín,Sergio Hernández, Segismundo Ferrairó

IWAAL'12 Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care(2012)

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The aim of this work is to describe the specification and the current results of eFisioTrack, a new telerehabilitation platform for monitoring prescribed therapeutic exercises. Unlike previous telerehabilitation platforms we focused on keeping the low-cost feature as well as setting the elements to increase the adherence of patients to rehabilitation treatments. The platform consists of two sides. The server side is based on web services paradigm and the client side interacts with the user and is in charge of registering the movements of the rehabilitation exercises for its control and monitoring. To date, the platform has been deployed in a hospital and we conclude that eFisioTrack is appropriate and technically feasible to set new ways of taking rehabilitation monitoring to places other than the rehabilitation centers. Experimental protocols are currently being designed in order to extend the test and validation process to a major number of real patients.
Ubiquitous monitoring,Telerehabilitation,Treatment adherence
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