CDM Server: A Data Management Framework for Data Intensive Application in Internal Private Cloud Infrastructure

P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing(2012)

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The idea of cloud computing has been evolving over the years, towards the direction that best suits the perpetual needs of organizations. The majority of organizations have started to house their own Internal private cloud, rather than relying on third party private clouds for wide range of reasons. Development of an internal private cloud has to overcome a wide range of challenges to match the performance of public cloud solutions. The major challenge is the development of a framework for efficient data management for processing the Big Data for data intensive applications in this private cloud infrastructure. We have proposed a data management framework called CDM server which handles these data management challenges effectively. The CDM server provides a platform with the key requirements of cloud, namely increased scalability, Big Data handling, maximizing cluster utilization and performing capital scheduling of data intensive jobs.
cdm server,internal private cloud,cloud computing,data intensive application,data intensive job,data management framework,party private cloud,private cloud,public cloud solution,internal private cloud infrastructure,private cloud infrastructure,wide range,data handling,data privacy,big data,organizations,scalability,resource allocation,scheduling,data management,next generation networking,servers
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