User Generated Human Computation Applications

PASSAT), 2012 International Conference and 2012 International Confernece Social Computing(2012)

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Social Web applications have successfully transformed content consuming users into content producers. Aside of socializing, these applications are frequently used to disseminate information and coordinate purposeful activities, such as disaster response, political action, and neighborhood organizations. These activities are carried out via human interpreted messages. In many cases, dedicated information processing spaces would better serve such needs. Unfortunately, a typical Web user is not able to create even very simple applications, as they require significant technical know-how. This work proposes an approach towards creating simple collaborative applications. The approach, called We Flow, proposes a collaborative application specification, an application generator, and an execution engine. The We Flow framework is presented with focus on the implementation issues. A case study, where users report and track accessibility violations, is presented for demonstration purposes.
collaborative application specification,flow framework,content consuming user,application generator,typical web user,simple application,dedicated information processing space,social web application,simple collaborative application,user generated human computation,content producer,internet
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