Constraint programming on infinite data streams

IJCAI'11 Proceedings of the Twenty-Second international joint conference on Artificial Intelligence - Volume Volume One(2011)

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Classical constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) are commonly defined on finite domains. In real life, constrained variables can evolve over time. A variable can actually take an infinite sequence of values over discrete time points. In this paper, we propose constraint programming on infinite data streams, which provides a natural way to model constrained time-varying problems. In our framework, variable domains are specified by ω-regular languages. We introduce special stream operators as basis to form stream expressions and constraints. Stream CSPs have infinite search space. We propose a search procedure that can recognize and avoid infinite search over duplicate search space. The solution set of a stream CSP can be represented by a Büchi automaton allowing stream values to be non-periodic. Consistency notions are defined to reduce the search space early. We illustrate the feasibility of the framework by examples and experiments.
constraint programming,stream csp,infinite nature,infinite data stream,infinite domain,search procedure,resultant search graph,infinite search,regular language,stream set,duplicate search space,search space,periodic stream,infinite sequence,discrete time point,infinite search space,stream expression,special stream operator
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