High power microwave generation from a reflex triode virtual cathode oscillator

IVEC '11 Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference(2011)

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Experiments were carried out to generate intense relativistic electron beams and High Power Microwaves (HPM) with reflex triode geometry from 1 kJ pulse power system. The typical electron beam parameters were 300 kV, 12 kA, and 300 ns, with a current density of a few hundreds of amperes per square centimeter. We present a power optimization study of the HPM generated from the reflex-triode vircator for various anode-cathode (AK) gaps. A horn antenna setup with diode detector and attenuators was used to measure the microwave power. The HPM frequency was measured with a D-dot probe along with a high band width oscilloscope. It was found that the microwave power and E-field peaks at 15 mm AK Gap and the frequency at this gap is 2.2 GHz. The highest microwave power is emitted when all the power is delivered into a single frequency with minimal mode hopping.
highest microwave power,d-dot probe,single frequency,high power microwave generation,typical electron beam parameter,hpm frequency,mm ak gap,power optimization study,microwave power,kj pulse power system,reflex triode virtual cathode,intense relativistic electron beam,attenuators,cathodes,electron beam,power optimization,oscillations,current density,resonant frequency,oscilloscopes,triodes,power system
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