Classification of examples by multiple agents with private features

IAT '05 Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology(2005)

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We consider classification tasks where relevant features are distributed among a set of agents and cannot be cen- tralized, for example due to privacy restrictions. We are motivated by a key classification task that arises in a cal- endar management domain where software assistants clas- sify new meetings as likely to be difficult to schedule. Ac- curate prediction of the output class is difficult for an iso- lated single agent because the target concept may involve features to which the agent does not have access, for exam- ple each attendee's willingness to attend the meeting. To in - crease prediction accuracy, novel learning algorithms are required in which agents collaborate to classify new exam- ples while maintaining the privacy of features. We introduc e a novel distributed asynchronous decision-tree inspired a l- gorithm for such tasks named DDT. DDT differs from pre- vious approaches in that it applies to vertically partition ed data with categorical multi-valued features, it requires n o explicit hypothesis generation, and there is no a priori re- striction on number of agents. We present empirical results in our meeting scheduling domain and show that DDT out- performs a single agent learner and performs as well as a centralized learner with hypothetical access to all the fea - tures.
business data processing,data mining,data privacy,decision trees,distributed algorithms,multi-agent systems,pattern classification,scheduling,DDT,calendar management domain,categorical multivalued features,classification tasks,data mining,distributed asynchronous decision-tree inspired algorithm,multiple agent systems,private features,scheduling
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