Project of a Dashboard Using DATA from DATA Back to Center for Affiliated Centers with CIBMTR

Ms. Heliz Regina A. Neves, Anderson João Simioni,Cinthya Corrêa Silva, Adriana Mendes Cavilha, Bruna Letícia da Silva Santos Geraldo, Ms. Flávia Ferreira Costa, Paula Moreira da Silva Sabaini, Cristiano de Oliveira Ribeiro, Monique S Ammi, Antonio Macedo,Carmem Bonfim, Vaneuza Araújo Moreira Funke, Gisele Loth, Prof. Nelson Hamerschlak,Vergilio Antonio Rensi Colturato,Fernando Duarte,Samir Nabhan

Transplantation and Cellular Therapy(2024)

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Introduction Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and other cellular therapy (HSCT/CT) researchers need to know the results of this treatment to provide greater scientific production and national benchmarking. The partnership between the Brazilian Cellular Therapy and Bone Marrow Transplant Society (SBTMO) and CIBMTR have allowed each affiliated Brazilian centers to know some results in a visual format or uploading their registered data, through Data Back to Center (DBtC) on the CIBMTR portal. However, Brazilian researches need to know other results, including survival analysis with comparative curves. Objective To evaluate sharing a dashboard with data from the DBtC including comparative survival analysis in Power Business Intelligence (PBI) to affiliated HSCT/CT centers with CIBMTR, allowing them to know their own results. Methodology This project started last year and presents some steps. 1st: it was created a dashboard template using PBI based on data fields extracted from the DBtC. The survival curves were created using R script visual in PBI, including p value for comparison curves and risk table. 2nd: It was created an eight-page dashboard, including menu navigation; descriptive graphs by disease, transplant type, age group, event date, donor type and tissue source; overall survival comparing allogeneic and autologous HSCT; acute leukemia survival comparing adult and pediatric curves, acute and chronic leukemia survival comparing disease status curves; and a report by disease classification according to Latin-American registry (LABMT). All reports have filters by transplant type, disease, age group and event date. Last step: the dashboard template and an instruction manual were sent by email to 5 other data managers (DM) from different centers and to a North American Hospital. Results In the 1st step, it was possible to create survival graphs with comparative curves; the errors in the published dashboard regarding survival curves have been resolved. In the last step, 3 of the 5 DM tested the template; difficulties about PBI and R software installation and downloading the DBtC file were solved. In order to help the DM, some extra instructions were done by WhatsApp and virtual meeting. Regarding to North American Hospital, we did not have any results. Today, only the 2 Centers that developed the project are using the dashboard (Figure 1). Conclusion It is important that a person with some expertise to develop a dashboard, especially when it is necessary to use R script and business intelligence. However, after all configuration in PBI, the DM just need to import their DBtC file in PBI and the data is updated with their center data. The next step is to present the project to the SBTMO coordinator with the aim of approving the sharing of the template with all CIBMTR affiliated centers in Brazil. The perspectives include new outcome analysis following the DBtC update such as relapse and GVHD.
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