Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Inconel 718 Lattice Structures Produced by Selective Laser Melting Process


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This article presents the results of an analysis regarding the microstructure, mechanical strength, and microhardness of two kinds of samples built through selective laser melting with Inconel 718, the most frequently used alloy in metal additive manufacturing due to its excellent mechanical properties. The sample geometry was made up of two types of lattice structures with spherical and hyperbolical stiffness elements. The goals of these studies are to determine how homogenization heat treatment influences the microhardness and the mechanical properties of the specimens and to identify the structure with the best mechanical properties. The analysis showed that heat treatment was beneficial because the regular dendritic structure disappears, the delta phase precipitates at the grain boundaries, and both the gamma and gamma '' phases dissolve. It has also been shown that the structures with hyperbolical stiffness elements have better compressive strength than the structures with the elliptical structures, with a 47.6% increase for the as-fabricated structures and an approximate 50% increase for the heat-treated structure.
selective laser melting,lattice structures,microhardness,heat treatment,compressive behavior
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