An Autonomous Emotion Recognition Strategy Employing Deep Learning for Self-Learning

2023 3rd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS)(2023)

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Because of their individuality and diversity, facial expressions are crucial to deciphering human communication and humour. Predicting a person's facial expression accurately not only helps you understand their emotional state but also gives you greater control over how you engage with them. Since personalised interactions are shown to enhance development and rapport., this ability to autonomously recognise human facial emotions has tremendous promise in fields like finance and education. In this study., we provide a new method for identifying human emotions based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This method departs from conventional approaches by harnessing the potential of modern machine learning methods that make use of face datasets. When implemented in the TensorFlow framework., this method might significantly alter the way grammatical constructions are understood. Convolutional Neural Networks are at the core of our technique since they are a complicated design that can easily deal with complex picture data. We overcome the limits of previous methods by using CNNs to extract complex characteristics from face photos, which we access by abandoning traditional paradigms. To ensure the efficacy of our approach., we ran trials using the Facial Expression Recognition Challenge (FERC-2013) Dataset., a collection of 32 thousand different human faces. Surprisingly., our method achieved classification rates over 65%., demonstrating its efficiency in deciphering human emotions across a wide range of photos. Our approach is built on the incorporation of the AlexNet Architecture., a powerful algorithm that acts as the process”s conductor. One interesting feature is that it can be trained in batches., which speeds up the learning process and requires less resources. This effectiveness not only aids in faster learning., but also makes the method more widely applicable. Our work essentially advances facial emotion identification into the cutting edge of machine learning., which might have far-reaching applications across many different fields. Our method allows for more accurate and autonomous expression decoding., which opens the door to more nuanced interactions and promotes development and better communication across fields from finance to education.
Emotion recognition,Deep learning,Self-learning,Neural networks,Machine learning,Facial expression analysis,Affective computing
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