BDGSE: A Symbolic Execution Technique for High MC/DC.

Huangli Cai,Zhiyi Zhang, Yifan Jian, Dan Li,Zhiqiu Huang

2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)(2023)

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Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) is a test coverage standard with excellent fault detection capability, which is widely used in testing safety-critical software. Symbolic execution generates test cases automatically to achieve high code coverage. However, since symbolic execution uses short-circuit evaluation to evaluate decisions, it fails to guarantee the consistency of other conditions in a decision required by the MC/DC criterion. As a result, it is incapable of generating MC/DC test cases to test safety-critical systems adequately. To solve this problem, we propose Branch Dependence Guided Symbolic Execution (BDGSE), a symbolic execution technique for high MC/DC. The approach utilizes static analysis to compute the branch dependencies, then guides symbolic execution to selectively explore paths and simplify test cases, and finally generates a small number of test cases to achieve high MC/DC coverage. Our experimental results show that BDGSE can generate high-quality test cases. Although BDGSE generates fewer test cases, it can achieve higher MC/DC coverage than SPF and random methods, and the fault detection capability of test cases generated by BDGSE is comparable to that of test cases generated by SPF.
Software testing,symbolic execution,MC/DC,test case generation
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