Designing an Intelligent QR Code-Based Mobile Application: A Novel Approach for Vehicle Identification and Authentication

Osman A. Nasr, Elaf Ali Alsisi,Khalid Mohiuddin, Abdullah M. Alqahtani

Indian journal of science and technology(2023)

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Objectives: To provide an efficient and secure method for verifying the authenticity of vehicles by using QR codes and adopting distributing computing in a mobile environment. Methods: The proposed mobile application utilizes the QR code as the unique identifier for vehicle verification. It employs an iterative model to develop the application. The system captures the QR code image using the mobile device’s camera and processes it to extract the vehicle’s relevant information. The extracted data is then validated and verified against the central database to ensure the legitimacy of the vehicle. Further, this approach collected participants’ data, considered the technical parameters, and compared them with gold standards. Findings: The research findings demonstrate that the intelligent QR code-based mobile application is highly effective in identifying and authenticating vehicles. The system achieves high accuracy in decoding QR codes in current practices and successfully matches the extracted information with the database records, ensuring the genuineness of the vehicles. Novelty: This research introduces a novel approach to vehicle identification and authentication by leveraging distributed computing potentials and QR codes in a mobile environment. The integration of advanced image processing and machine learning techniques enhances the accuracy and reliability of the system compared to existing practices. This application provides an efficient platform for verifying the authenticity of vehicles. Keywords: Mobile Application; QR Code; Iterative Model; QR Code; Mobile Application; Vehicle Identification; Authentication
vehicle identification,authentication,mobile application,code-based
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