Problem-Oriented Medical Records for Describing Care Cases Using Multi-Tenants

2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET)(2023)

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There are countless applications in healthcare for digital personal assistants helping clinicians as well as patients and their families. However, there is no conversational application to understand patient encounters and assist clinicians to describe their clinical cases in association with their medical record like the HL7 FHIR. Building such conversational service requires understanding of the charting schema used to record clinical cases in the clinical setting like the SOAP note as well as having the federated APIs to exchange messages not only between tenants (e.g. Patients and Physicians) but also with different servers including the FHIR electronic healthcare record server. In this paper we described the extension that we have added to our existing QL4POMR framework to have extended ability to represent clinical cases via the use of multi-tenants chatbots based on the SOAP note and the connectivity to the FHIR server. The extension to the QL4POMR uses the Google DialogFlow and the GraphQL-Yoga APIs. This research work is a continuation of our MITACS and NSERC funded work that has started in 2020.
Problem-Oriented Medical Records,Conversational Chatbots,DialogFlow,GraphQL-Yoga,Multi-Tenants Chatbots,SOAP
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