Client: Cross-variable Linear Integrated Enhanced Transformer for Multivariate Long-Term Time Series Forecasting


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Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) is a crucial aspect of modern society, playing a pivotal role in facilitating long-term planning and developing early warning systems. While many Transformer-based models have recently been introduced for LTSF, a doubt have been raised regarding the effectiveness of attention modules in capturing cross-time dependencies. In this study, we design a mask-series experiment to validate this assumption and subsequently propose the "Cross-variable Linear Integrated ENhanced Transformer for Multivariate Long-Term Time Series Forecasting" (Client), an advanced model that outperforms both traditional Transformer-based models and linear models. Client employs linear modules to learn trend information and attention modules to capture cross-variable dependencies. Meanwhile, it simplifies the embedding and position encoding layers and replaces the decoder module with a projection layer. Essentially, Client incorporates non-linearity and cross-variable dependencies, which sets it apart from conventional linear models and Transformer-based models. Extensive experiments with nine real-world datasets have confirmed the SOTA performance of Client with the least computation time and memory consumption compared with the previous Transformer-based models. Our code is available at
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