Usability of a VR Simulation Training Concept with Intentional Simulation Errors

Kristoffer Nome, Marit Vassbotten Olsen,Harald Soleim,Atle Geitung, Tone Johnsgaard,Klas Karlgren

2022 1st IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality (CVR)(2022)

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Adverse events during hospitalization are a relatively frequent occurrence. One way of working to prevent these events may be found in the education of health personnel. These educations have seen increased use of simulation training and Virtual Reality (VR). One method of simulation training is the "Room of Errors", which asks participants to look for pre-established errors. Implementing this concept in VR introduces additional challenges: How should such an application be designed so that users recognize and accept the errors as part of the simulation and do not see them as the result of a faulty application? Previous studies have not considered cooperative Room of Errors simulation training in VR, which has added benefits in non-VR simulations. How feasible is it to support multiple concurrent users? This paper addresses these questions by developing a A VR "Room of Errors" application. Six lecturers for Nurse Anesthetist, Intensive Care Nursing, and Operating Room Nursing study programs evaluated the application. They confirm its usability and that they would consider using the application as part of their simulation-based education. Evaluation with two cooperating participants shows an added layer of communication, and seems to confirm the feasibility of multiple concurrent users. The concept appears to be viable in VR, and development is practically and financially feasible.
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