An Integrated Collaborative Filtering Framework With Location-Aware Graph Embedding in Intelligent Internet of Things Systems

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems(2022)

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Reliable Internet of Things (IoT) service discovery is a significant task in intelligent service-oriented IoT systems. Collaborative filtering (CF) turns out to be an effective solution to IoT service discovery. However, the traditional CF framework is facing the following challenges: inefficiency in learning the high-order interactions between users and IoT services and ineffectively making use of geographical location information. Moreover, deploying a CF framework in real-world distributed IoT systems poses another significant challenge in terms of reliability assurance and privacy protection. For bridging this gap, we propose an innovative integrated collaborative filtering framework (ICF) with incorporating the location-aware quality of IoT services into a heterogeneous graph embedding model. Meanwhile, a Geohash-based privacy-preservation mechanism is introduced to encoding the location information into a short string for protecting the sensitive location information. The proposed ICF framework is an integrated architecture combining advanced graph embedding learning and heterogeneous side information. And a joint objective optimization function is designed in the graph embedding learning to qualify automatic IoT service features. In this way, the hidden user-service interaction information and location-aware quality semantic features can be explored in an effective and reliable way. Furthermore, the learned location-aware quality embedding vector is incorporated to discover the reliable services among all IoT services with the mini-batch online clustering-based CF algorithm. The experimental findings illustrate the significant efficacy and reliability of our proposed ICF framework in large scale IoT service discovery scenarios.
Graph network embedding,integration information systems,intelligent systems,Internet of Things (IoT),reliable IoT service discovery
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