Truth Management with Concept-Driven Agent Architecture in Distributed Modeling and Simulation for Cyber  Physical Systems Engineering

Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems EngineeringSimulation Foundations, Methods and Applications(2020)

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Cyber Physical SystemsCyber Physical System (CPS) (CPS) are inherently distributed in nature; that is, the constituent systems are separated by geographical distances. This implies that there is always latency in communication exchanges between the system components. Various mechanisms such as frequency of updates, dead reckoning, and communication reliability are used to address the latency issue. In addition, there are computational, physics, communication protocol, and projection accuracyProjection accuracy limitations, which constrain the solution space. The semantic interoperabilitySemantic interoperability issue in a cyber physical systemCyber Physical System (CPS) requires that concepts and their associated data objects be aligned. When CPSCyber Physical System (CPS) are put in a distributed simulationDistributed simulation environment without semantic alignment, the problems are compounded. Earlier work in the area of Mobile Propertied AgentsMobile Propertied Agent (MPA) (MPAs) provides a conceptual framework to engineer a central core of objects that are shared across various participants of such a System of Systems (SoSSystems of Systems (SoS)) for maintaining universal truth. This chapter will provide an overview of various mechanisms for maintaining a consistent truth representation in distributed Modeling and Simulation (M&S) systems and will present an architecture to implement MPAsMobile Propertied Agent (MPA) in a cloud environment for a more robust CPSCyber Physical System (CPS) Test and EvaluationTest and Evaluation (T&E) framework.
agent architecture,simulation,modeling,concept-driven
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