Response of the Low-Level Jet to Precession and Its Implications for Proxies of the Indian Monsoon

Geophysical Research Letters(2022)

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The long-term variations in the South Asian monsoon have been inferred based on the variations in the ocean productivity along the western coast of the Arabian Sea. The variations in ocean productivity were previously thought to be primarily influenced by the intensity of upwelling. Here, using idealized precession experiments in fully coupled climate models, we have shown that the area as well as the region of maximum upwelling change with precession. When summer occurs at perihelion (stronger summer insolation and monsoon precipitation), the area of upwelling is narrow. In contrast, during summer at aphelion (weaker summer insolation and monsoon precipitation), upwelling occurs over a broader region. This is due to the effect of convective heating over northeastern Africa and the western equatorial Indian Ocean on the width and meridional location of the low-level jet. Therefore, the upwelling inferred from proxies does not necessarily indicate the Indian summer monsoon strength.
monsoon,low-level jet,upwelling,precession,model-proxy
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