The SmartOrchestra Platform : A Configurable Smart Service Platform for IoT Systems


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The Internet of Things is growing rapidly while still missing a universal operating and management platform for multiple diverse use cases. Such a platform should provide all necessary functionalities and the underlying infrastructure for the setup, execution and composition of Smart Services. The concept of Smart Services enables the connection and integration of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and technologies (i.e., sensors and actuators) with business-related applications and services. Therefore, the SmartOrchestra Platform provides an open and standards-based service platform for the utilization of public administrative and business-related Smart Services. It combines the features of an operating platform, a marketplace, a broker, and a notary for a cloud-based operation of Smart Services. Thus, users of cyber-physical systems are free to choose their control applications, no matter what device they are using (e.g., smartphone, tablet or personal computer) and they also become independent of the manufacturers’ software. This will enable new business opportunities for different stakeholders in the market and allows flexibly composing Smart Services.
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