The metastable Q 3Δ2 state of ThO: A new resource for the ACME electron EDM search

New Journal of Physics(2020)

引用 22|浏览13
The best upper limit for the electron electric dipole moment was recently set by the ACME collaboration. This experiment measures an electron spin-precession in a cold beam of ThO molecules in their metastable H (3 Δ 1) state. Improvement in the statistical and systematic uncertainties is possible with more efficient use of molecules from the source and better magnetometry in the experiment, respectively. Here, we report measurements of several relevant properties of the long-lived Q (3 Δ 2) state of ThO, and show that this state is a very useful resource for both these purposes. The Q state lifetime is long enough that its decay during the time of flight in the ACME beam experiment is negligible. The large electric dipole moment measured for the Q state, giving rise to a large linear Stark shift, is ideal for an electrostatic lens that increases the fraction of molecules detected downstream. The measured magnetic …
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