Managing Multi-Services for Multi-Users in Heterogeneous Cluster Computing System

2019 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA)(2019)

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Building an infrastructure for high-performance computing is a complex and tedious task. The hardware could not be purchased at one time but in several batches of purchased with many different specifications. It has to be started at one time with a small scale but big enough to be used and shown to be useful for the user. By the time new hardware is added. However, the purchased hardware should be optimally utilized especially to provide services for users who have various needs for their purposes. It is the task for high-performance computing architect and system administrator to design the system which is useful for many different users and various purposes and services by using all available hardware. Our high-performance infrastructure is built based on the idea to manage multi-services for multi-users in a single cluster environment with heterogeneous hardware specifications. It is implemented and currently serves many services for many users.
High-performance computing,cluster,multi-users,multi-services
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