Do Game Data Generalize Well for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation?


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Despite the recent progress in deep learning and remote sensing image interpretation, the adaption of a deep learning model between different sources of remote sensing data still remains a challenge. This paper investigates an interesting question: do synthetic data generalize well for remote sensing image applications? To answer this question, we take the building segmentation as an example by training a deep learning model on the city map of a well-known video game "Grand Theft Auto V" and then adapting the model to real-world remote sensing images. We propose a generative adversarial training based segmentation framework to improve the adaptability of the segmentation model. Our model consists of a CycleGAN model and a ResNet based segmentation network, where the former one is a well-known image-to-image translation framework which learns a mapping of the image from the game domain to the remote sensing domain; and the latter one learns to predict pixel-wise building masks based on the transformed data. All models in our method can be trained in an end-to-end fashion. The segmentation model can be trained without using any additional ground truth reference of the real-world images. Experimental results on a public building segmentation dataset suggest the effectiveness of our adaptation method. Our method shows superiority over other state-of-the-art semantic segmentation methods, for example, Deeplab-v3 and UNet. Another advantage of our method is that by introducing semantic information to the image-to-image translation framework, the image style conversion can be further improved.
remote sensing,deep learning,video game,domain adaptation,building segmentation
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