The copy exactly! Evolution story: High reliability fungible output based solely upon matching

Alan Lucero,Chris Connor, I. Hsu, T. Utlaut

2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)(2017)

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The Copy Exactly! methods have evolved throughout a twenty-five year journey from initial process tool configuration and bill of materials matching to include factory infrastructure, human factors, process controls, and process indicators matching. These methods have delivered high reliability across billions of microprocessors largely without dedicated reliability monitoring systems. How is this possible? CE! is an extensive system of matching that is integrated into the manufacturing network. Present day CE! 2.0, correlates development certification and process qualification data to high volume, online process control systems with inline quality and reliability monitoring. Online systems enable alternatives to traditional offline, ongoing reliability monitors which cannot detect problems close to the source nor time proximity with respect to occurrence of issues. We review these incorporations with a demonstration of results on Intel's 14nm logic technology across four factories.
Quality systems,monitors,reliability monitors,copy exactly!,CE!,matching
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